Status: Learning and Growing
Things in the past month or so have been going well. Things have been renewed and I am moving forward. I'll write more to this post before the week completes itself. Until then... Stay uplifted.
So much for me getting to this before the week ended huh. That is okay though, for this it is.
Things have been on the up and up. In this process, I have learned that people should not be rushed to conclude or figure out their thoughts and emotions when hit with a serious blow. The lesson I found, is to be diligent; to allow my emotions to be just themselves without strain and sometimes without specific reason. With assistance of logic, many prayerful evenings and heart to heart with my mind and spirit, I have allowed myself to be set free of my own imperialistic expectation. By doing so, I have found myself breathing in and releasing a different kind of energy and it really feels good! Sometimes you just have to let it go. Things, people or opportunity that are supposed to be in your life will without doubt return to where it or they belong. Here I am staying uplifted.