The Chill
I've seem to run across this coldness before in my home
Never has it been so clear since the day you stepped out the door
You were here on several occasions, the last time was more recent
(thank you for the memory)
Your presence and energy was warm and far more memorable
I had become numb to the chill within these walls
Forgot how good it felt to be in the presence of you
I counted on artificial counter parts to appease me in your absence
It was a waste of time every time
So you returned with a smile that sparked the flame
Your hugs allowed it to remain
But shortly after you left, I was once again alone
This time I felt the brittle cold meet at my bones
I missed you deeply, more than I could have imagined
Wanting you to be close to me every hour
Because now, with or without the increase in degrees
It remained cold in here and now I could feel the difference
Only you could bring me warmth