The Return for Heart's Sake

It's been a while now since I've expressed myself into words
Struggled with finding the right combination of nouns, verbs, pauses and phrases
To give myself to you, my dear reader during what became the most
exhilarating, disheartening, happy yet fear filled, tear filled growing experience of my life
My thoughts became muddy with uncertainty in how to translate what I wanted to say
But here I am coming to you again, coming back to what I knew best
Listening to myself, listening to the words, gathering emotions from my experience
And returning here, to this "bed, blanket and pillow" to conguer this thoughts
Work my way through the muck, the tears and happy moments that reside somewhere close
So here it is, the return of those words we read together and over again
To help gather and retain a bit of understanding and clarification
For heart sake's sake


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