Falling In Love

You fell in love before you knew him,
you fell in love with his love making,
you fell in love with the wrong thing.
You young naive developed pretty thing,
honey you are uneducated.
You know what you do but you know not what "you do."
You know everything don't you?, so why
the tight clothes, the dirty mouth, the high heel shoes.
Sweet young thing you, you're only fourteen.
Use that mind, not your ass to attract
You keep your eyes covered, don't be blind.
Educate yourself and earn self worth.
Stop being taken advantage of.
Don't allow men to rub themselves on your curves.
Your life here on the green is short lived.
Open yourself up to opportunities.
Bottom line, don't be "free."
Be responsible, stay knowledge filled.
A female is a strong being,
and she can be as independent as she chooses.
Great males exist, don't settle for comfort.
Being comfortable is good, but there's always better.
Work for what you deserve, love ain't easy.
Desperation is not attractive.
Be wise young girl, you have your life in front of you.
Fall in love with him, not the pleasure he provides.
Pleasure is wonderful and it is beautiful.
Every life is worth living.
Fall in love with yourself and get tested for HIV/AIDS.
It feels great to fall in love.


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